Representative Clarke won a special election in 2013 for District 97, Alabama House of Representatives, and ran unopposed in 2014. Her record of service speaks for itself:
Sponsored and/or co-sponsored more than 85 pieces of legislation in her short time in Montgomery.
Significant Local Legislation sponsored and/or co-sponsored include:
BP Oil Spill funding to be local
Electronic Filing of Business Personal Property Tax Returns
Tougher school bus and motor vehicle laws
Creation of Alabama Coastal Insurance Authority
Affordable Windstorm Insurance
Insurance Discounts for Wind Damage Mitigation
Building Code Violations and Liens
Downtown Brunch Liquor Sales
Procedures for grass and weed nuisance properties
Expedited quiet title actions to remove blight
Modifications to USA Board of Trustees
Homeowner insurance credits
Regulations for Horizontal Wells
Tax exempt status for Mobile Community Action
Significant Statewide Legislation sponsored and/or co-sponsored include:
Tax credits for rehabilitation projects
Tax credits for historical projects
Student Harassment Prevention Act
EMT and Paramedics Tuition Reimbursement
Voter registration improvements
Five Day Voting Periods
Daycare Regulations
Tax Credit for hiring veterans
Small Business Disaster Short-term Loan Program
Raising Minimum Wages
Medicaid Program Improvements
Cost of Living Increase for Teachers’ Retirement System
Grandparent visitation
Title Loan Regulations
Cash Advance Regulations
Tax exemption for certain foods
Resident Business Preference for State Contracts
E-cigarettes advertising and warnings
Currently serving on meaningful committees.
Commerce and Small Business
Constitution, Campaigns and Elections
County and Municipal Government
Boards, Agencies and Commissions
Mobile County Legislation
Successfully assisted many families gain self-sufficiency and grow while working with the Mobile Housing Board’s affiliate, Mobile Development Enterprises.
Retired in good standing as a Vice President after more than a decade of service.
Worked with families and children.
Proud of her service and the families she helped.
Let’s send Representative Adline Clarke back to Montgomery so she can continue to work for District 97, the City of Mobile and the State of Alabama.
If you have any questions or would like to help the campaign, please call email Representative Clarke at aclarkehd97@gmail.com.
Also, interact with us on social media. Please visit our Facebook page.